Math 30750, Real Analysis, Fall 2024

Lectures: MWF 11:30am-12:20pm, DeBartolo Hall 223.

Instructor: Nick Edelen,, Hurley 283.

Office hours: Wed 4-5 in Hurley 283.

Syllabus: We will cover the theory of calculus of one variable and some applications of the theory. The main topics include sequences, continuous functions, derivatives, integrals, and sequences and series of functions.

Book: Reed, ``Fundamental Ideas of Analysis'' Purchasing the textbook is optional. I will be following Qing Han's lecture notes, which are available on Canvas. Please don't distribute the notes to students not taking the class.

Exams: There will be two in-class midterms and one final. Midterms (tentative): Oct 4, Nov 8. Final: TBD.

Grade: Midterms = 100 pts each, Final = 150 pts, Homework = 150 pts, Total possible points = 500.

Absences: If you are absent from an exam without an official excuse, you will receive a grade of zero for that exam. If you are officially excused, you will not be penalized. If you miss an exam for any reason, send me an email as soon as possible.

Honor Code: Testing will be done under the Honor Code. On homework assignments, I allow and encourage you to work together and discuss the problems. However, your solutions must be written in your words. Copying from any source is a violation of the Honor Code.

Homework: There will be weekly homework assignments, due Fridays in class (starting Sept 6). Problems references are from the lecture notes.